Neck Pain

Neck pain

With the rapid changes to lifestyle around the world neck pain is fast becoming a more common condition effecting people. We can help.

By Dr Mike Back (Chiropractor)


Seven of your spinal vertebrae are in your neck. In spite of the fact that they are in constant movement and have to support the weight of head, they are mainly supported by muscles and ligaments that act rather like the ropes on a ship’s mast.  And it is the nerves that start from the neck that run down the shoulders and arms.  That is why problems in the upper spine or neck can be the course of pain in other parts of the body such as the shoulders and arms.

Your neck is very vulnerable to stresses and strains and reacts painfully to even minor accidents.  Normally a day’s rest or a good night’s  sleep is enough to alleviate discomfort.  But if neck, shoulders or arm ache is still there after 24 hours or if it returns, it would be wise to consult a chiropractor.

“Do less but try your best, relax, breath” Dr Mike Back (Chiropractor)

Arm pain that start in your neck

Loss of spinal mobility in the upper spine will cause neck pains.  But it can also, by causing pressure on the nerve roots, give you pain in the arm, or even numbness or that tingling effect we sometimes call `pins and needles`.

Tiredness or stress can cause neck problems

As well as being vulnerable to accidents, your neck can be affected by muscle tension caused by fatigue and, very often, by personal tensions and stress.  The result can be not only neck pain, but shoulder pain or headaches.

Chiropractic treatment, through specific adjustments, can restore spinal mobility and relieve symptoms.  Where fatigue or tension is the cause, chiropractic therapy can relax the muscles and give pain relief.

You may also be given simple exercises and methods relevant to your particular condition to help improve and strengthen your neck muscles.


  • Improve your posture by sitting and standing as straight as possible
  • Don’t slump in armchairs
  • Adjust the seat of your car properly
  • Climb up rather than reach up
  • Avoid draughts
  • Don’t work too long in one position – take a break
  • Exercise, but with proper precautions
  • Sleep with one pillow

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