Back Pain

DrBack can assess and offer help to relieve or prevent most back pain. Treatment and proper guidance will often relieve and help.

By Dr Mike Back (Chiropractor)


Some of us aren’t as fit as we could be and we don’t always stand and sit properly.  So when we lift, or pull, or bend we can end up with back trouble.  Most back pain is caused by minor strains in muscles and ligaments which usually settle without treatment.  However, even mild back pain is a warning signal that special care is needed.


Any person is prone to back trouble, people at more risk include:

  • People who lead a sedentary or inactive lifestyle are more at risk.
  • Expecting as well as mothers of babies and infants often suffer with treatable back pain.
  • People whose work involves heavy lifting and bending are predisposed to back pain.
  • People who sit for long periods in poorly designed work areas.


Early treatment is often beneficial in reducing recovery time.  Our chiropractor can assess and treat back pain as well as refer to your general practitioner if needed. Examples of cases that may require referral include:

  • When pain that persists or progresses.
  • There is fever or rash associated with the pain.
  • You have trouble passing urine or using bowels
  • There has been a recent trauma and there is a suspicion of fracture.



  • Ensure you are comfortable with your bed and when sleeping.
  • Be aware of activities of daily living that lead to backache or stiffening.
  • Maintain a good posture when standing and sitting down.  Avoid deep chairs.
  • Lift and bend with care – as best you can keep back straight and bend the knees.  Keep weight close to body when lifting.
  • Choose seats that support your thighs along their whole length and allow your feet to rest on a footstool.
  • Hold heavy objects close to the body.
  • Learn exercises to improve your posture and mobility.
  • Tighten your stomach and tuck in your bottom to walk, squat, get up, lift, carry and stand.
  • If driving get out of the car every 60 minutes.
  • Wear low-heeled shoes.
  • Learn to relax
  • Keep fit
  • Keep trim.
  • Don’t let pain win.
  • Keep up interests.


  • Bending forward and twisting especially when lifting or pulling.
  • Standing or sitting still for long periods.
  • Girdles – they weaken stomach muscles that support the spine.
  • Coughing or sneezing with back bend over.
  • Depending on pain relievers to relieve persistant pain
  • Straining at the toilet while curled forward.
  • Carrying unbalanced loads.


  • Helping yourself to have a healthy body.
  • Being aware of your body movement.

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